Administration Menu
The Director of Education is the executive secretary of the Southern Union Board of Education and is responsible for coordinating, evaluating, monitoring and developing the Early Childhood through grade 12 education program in the Southern Union.  The director also collaborates with the North American Division (NAD) in educational planning and the development and implementation of  policies and guidelines, and supports local conference offices of education by establishing administrative policies in harmony with NAD policies and coordinating the consistent implementation of those policies.


The office is also responsible for maintaining and implementing certification standards for all instructional personnel, coordinating the school accreditation process, promoting sound curriculum development, marketing, and the development and implementation of the Salary Scale for K-12 Education Personnel.


The Southern Union Office of Education collaborates with local conferences to set a clear vision for implementing Adventist EDGE goals and works with the local conferences to communicate the Adventist EDGE vision to teachers, school boards, families and constituents.


Contact us:

Murray Cooper

770-408-1800 ext. 156


Stephanie Cardenas

Administrative Assistant Director and Elementary
770-408-1800 ext. 183