The Southern Union Office of Education supports approximately 300 educational facilities across the Southern Union–childcare centers, pre-kindergarten thru grade 12 schools, and 3 universities–which employ over 1000 educators who together educate more than 17,000 students annually. The department was founded on the divine imperative that “all our children should be taught of the Lord,” Isaiah 54:13.
The Education Department has implemented a school improvement initiative, Adventist EDGE, which promotes excellence in all Southern Union schools. This initiative is aligned with the North American Division’s Journey to Excellence.
Key to Adventist EDGE classrooms is the pervasive element of genuine Christianity. The curriculum is infused with Christian values and students receive daily encouragement in their personal walk with Jesus. EDGE students exemplify concern for others by participating in community out-reach projects and other faith building activities.
The EDGE teacher seeks to instill in each student a sense of their value as a child of God and inspire them to treat others with respect. Spirituality is not limited to the teaching of Bible, but integrated into the entire curriculum.
Building on a strong spiritual foundation, Southern Union educators will guide students to:
To deliver GREAT education that is: