Certification Menu

Certification FAQs


Basic Certificate

My basic certificate is about to expire and I do not have the required teaching experience.  What do I need to do?

My basic certificate expired two years ago and I need one more year of teaching.  What do I need to do?

I have a basic certificate and a Master’s Degree.  Who do I need to move to a professional certificate?

Standard Certificate

My standard certificate is about to expire.  What do I need to do?

My standard certificate expired two years ago.  What do I need to do to get it current?

I hold a standard certificate.  What do I need to do to get an administrator certificate?

Professional Certificate

My professional certificate is about to expire.  What do I need to do?

My professional certificate expired two years ago.  What do I need to do to get it current?

Administrator Certificate

My administrator certificate expired one year ago.  What do I need to do?

My administrator certificate expired two years ago.  What do I need to do to get it current?

I hold a standard certificate.  What do I need to do to get an administrator certificate?

Conditional Certificate

My conditional certificate is about to expire.  What do I need to do?

Designated Certificate

What is a designated certificate?

My designated certificate is expired.  What do I need to do?


I need to turn in my CEU form.  Where do I find it?

Some of my CEU hours were not accepted.  Why?


I teach English, why do I have a Junior Academy Bible Endorsement?

I would like a kindergarten endorsement.  What do I need to do?


My address has changed, how do I get that information to you?

I hold an elementary education endorsement.  Why do I need Bible Encounter Secondary?

I have taught three years full time, but it is still on my needs list.  What do I need to do to get it removed?